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In Commonwealth vs. Jason Robinson, Attorney Scapicchio fights to end life sentences without the possibility of parole for youthful offenders.  

In Commonwealth vs. Julio Baez, Attorney Scapicchio argued a direct appeal of his murder conviction in the SJC.  Watch the argument here:

Commonwealth v Julio Baez SJC Oral Argument

In Commonwealth vs. Fernandes, Attorney Scapicchio continues the fight to stop the exclusion of young jurors at trial.  Click the video link below to see her argument at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Play Video

Attorney Scapicchio Receives the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ “Joseph J. Barillo Award ” for lifetime achievement.  This award is given in recognition of a lifetime of dedication and commitment to the rights of the accused.  

 Click here for details of the award ceremony:

Attorney Scapicchio Receives “Dear Neighbor Award”:

Attorney Rosemary Scapicchio was presented with the “Dear Neighbor Award” by the Sisters of St. Joseph. This award honors individuals who commit themselves to selflessly care and serve others in need. Attorney Scapicchio’s passion for justice and zealous advocacy for her clients demonstrates her commitment to selfless care and service. Retired Judge Regina Quinlan Doherty presented the award to Attorney Scapicchio at a dinner on May 11, 2022. In her acceptance speech linked below, Attorney Scapicchio discusses how her drive to give back to those in need has helped her become the attorney that she is today.

Attorney Scapicchio Receives “Top Women of Law” Award from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly:

In December 2021, Attorney Rosemary Scapicchio was presented with the “Top Women of Law” award from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly for her fierce advocacy for her clients with mention of her notable victories in both Shawn Drumgold’s case and Sean Ellis’ case. This prestigious award recognizes her tireless efforts in not only the Drumgold and Ellis cases, but in the entirety of her practice. Upon receiving this award, Attorney Scapicchio noted that: “There is not a better feeling in the world than giving someone a second chance at life.” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly’s recognition of Attorney Scapicchio is a testament to the countless hours that she puts in daily to give all of her clients that second chance at life.

Breaking News November 1, 2021:

eBay Victimizes the Steiner’s Again: eBay claims in it’s Motion to Dismiss that it does not intend to minimize the “alleged” conduct in the Steiner’s complaint against them, but by failing to take responsibility on behalf of eBay AND it’s employees, it is not only minimizing the torture and stalking the Steiners’ experienced, but eBay is victimizing the Steiners all over again. How dare they claim that it is in the interest of ALL parties for them to seek dismissal of the Steiners’ complaint. Let’s be clear, dismissal helps eBay not the Steiners. We will never stop our fight to hold eBay accountable for their actions.

View Actual Document click here.

Superior Court Justice Allows Sean Ellis’s Motion for New Trial on Firearm Offense

BOSTON, Mass. [May 4, 2021] – Today, Superior Court Associate Justice Robert Ullman allowed Sean Ellis’s Motion for New Trial on the gun conviction remaining on his record from his wrongful conviction for the 1993 murder of Boston Police Detective John Mulligan, which was overturned in 2015 after Mr. Ellis spent more than 21 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Read the Judge’s decision here: Memorandum Of Decision And Order on Assented-to Motion For New Trial

Attorney Scapicchio Takes on eBay :

Attorney Rosemary Scapicchio filed a lawsuit against eBay and others on behalf of David and Ina Steiner, Natick journalists behind the trade publication, EcommerceBytes. The suit alleges eBay, it’s former CEO, former Chief Communications Officer and others engaged in a conspiracy to intimidate, threaten to kill, torture, terrorize, stalk, and silence the Steiners through a barrage of around-the-clock cyberstalking, ominous death threats, and deliveries and in-person surveillance that caused the Steiners to fear for their lives.

Public feedback from TV coverage of Edward Fleury Trial

Case Background:

Edward Fleury was charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter and three counts of furnishing a machine gun to a minor for his role in organizing a machine gun shoot at which eight-year-old Christopher Bizilj accidentally shot himself.  Fleury organized the gun shoot through his company, C.O.P. Firearms, in conjunction with the Westfield Sportsman’s club, as he had done for seven years prior.  He hired licensed machine gun manufacturers to bring the weapons to the shoot; the machine gun manufacturers were also in charge of safety of the weapons and the firing line.

Fleury’s defense at trial was that the death of Christopher Bizilj was a tragic accident, and that Fleury’s actions in organizing the shoot did not cause Christopher Bizilj’s death.  The evidence presented at trial showed that Christopher Bizilj’s father had signed a waiver and affirmed that he understood the dangers accompanying the firing of the weapons at the event, which included serious injury and death, and certified that his sons had adequate training to use those firearms.  The evidence further showed that while Christopher Bizilj was shooting, Mr. Fleury was at the gate collecting the five dollar entrance fee.  Christopher Bizilj’s father selected the weapons for his sons to shoot, including a micro uzi.  When the line officer informed Christopher Bizilj’s father that he did not think Christopher Bizilj should use the micro uzi because that the weapon shot quickly and kicked back hard, Mr. Bizilj insisted that his son use that weapon.   Christopher Bizilj died after he lost control of the micro uzi that he was shooting with the assistance of an instructor.

Moreover, Attorney Scapicchio demonstrated to the jury the confusion of the law regarding “furnishing machine guns to minors,” which had occurred throughout the state for years, and at this particular machine gun shoot for seven years with the knowledge of the local police department, and without incident or injury.  The jury was also presented evidence that demonstrated that Fleury did not own any of the guns nor did he hand or provide any of those guns to the event’s attendees.

The jury found Mr. Fleury not-guilty of involuntary manslaughter and not guilty of three counts of furnishing a machine gun to a minor.  Following the not guilty verdicts in Mr. Fleury’s case, all charges were dropped against the co-defendants charged in Christopher Bizilj’s death.

Actual viewer comments from TV viewer about Rosemary Curran Scapicchio’s trial performance:

Dear Rosemary,

Oh my goodness you are awesome !!! My grandson and I have been watching you on In Sessions  defendant Edward Fleury.  We are so into listening to you ,cheering you on. Listening to the staff at In Sessions brag on you  Casey Jordan Mike ,Vinny it is sooooo cool!!!! They are saying what we are saying. I said  when she’s got a TIGER in her tank and one said you were a Pit Bull ( in a good way)  

Anyway I’m just really into court tv and I think this is  my first seeing someone as good as you. We certainly are enjoying your professionalism . We will probably be bored after your case is over.  Don’t know if you care for Nancy Grace  but it
would be interesting to see you both team up together on a case ! I’ve been watching In Session for about a year most everyday and you are by far the
best Attorney I’ve  seen yet! I’m glad I found a way to let you know  what
a powerful influence  just listening and watching you has been. A pleasure
to get to let you know how we feel and to hear the spokes people on In
Sessions bragging you up big time!!!! 


Deborah Kleber

P.S. Hope to be able to watch  more of your cases.

I am a retired police officer living in the Kansas City area. As such, I have the time to watch court tv (or whatever they call it these days). Over the years I have watched a number of attorney’s both in court locally or on tv, BUT have never seen any attorney of your caliber. All I can say is you are the best I have ever seen.


Gerald Crutcher

Dear Ms. Scapicchio:
I’ve watched you during the Fleury trial on TruTV’s “In Session.” I just felt I must tell you how marvelous and skilled you are in the courtroom. I haven’t heard the verdict yet in this particular case, but I have great admiration for your skills, your amazingly sharp mind, and your aggressive style in defending your client.

If I should ever need a defense attorney, I would want nobody else to defend me! I just had to tell you this.


Richard Firsten

Attorney Scapicchio,

I just wanted to say that i thought you did an outstanding job in the Fleury case that i am watching on “In Session”. Great work. I like your style as well.

Neil Joy

Dear Ms. Scapicchio,

I’ve been watching you on truTV and I am an admirer of your style and abilities. Just wanted to say that. I don’t need your legal skills, but I am an avid watcher of reality TV and a show about you would be watched by me. Thank you for being such a competent lawyer, and a woman to be proud of.

Bonnie Nixon,

Wedding minister / Tax Preparer

Dear Ms. Rosemary Scapicchio,

I have been watching the Fleury trial and I want to commend you on your abilities as an attorney. Too bad if witnesses can’t keep up. The witness either knows the answer or they don’t. If they have to think too long they are probably lying. Forgive me, but I hope you agree that the Prosecutor is a fool. I believe he is prejudice in favor of those in the medical profession. Also, he apparently does not know the rules of law concerning what questions he can ask. He looks like he has been practicing 5 minutes! Either this or he is playing games. This father, if he had been Casey Anthony, he would have been charged with child endangerment. What idiot puts an Uzi in the hands of an 8 year old? I understand he has suffered, however, by law he is not being punished. This is not fair as I am sure you will agree. He signed a waiver and knew the potential consequences and that should be that. This is a terrible accident and the father wants to blame any and everyone else because he can’t accept responsibility for putting his son in harms way. Once again, I commend your style in the court room I just hope the jurors are intelligent enough to discern the truth and what is just and fair. My best to you and Chief Fleury.

Susan MacFarland

Dear Ms. Scapicchio,

I am watching you on tv, and just wanted to tell you what an outstanding lawyer you are! I always wanted to be a lawyer and you are very impressive, you really make me regret not pursuing that dream, you are the lawyer I always wanted to be.



I have been watching you on “In Session”. You are awesome!! You are a BAAAD mamma jamma! You Go Girl!! Keep up the good work!!

Dayle Childs, TX

Wow…what an attorney. If I never need a lawyer I want you Rosemary. I love your style. Keep up the good work.

Bill Craig

Message: I just want to send a quick note to Rosemary to say how much I have respected her in the Fleury trial. Consensus is pretty much in her favor…. we think the father is responsible. Rosemary, thanks for reminding us that there are great defense attorney’s still out there!

Vicki, IL

Just wanted to say wow your the best I ever seen On TV wish you had you own court TV show! I would be watching it all the time haha Keep of the Great work ,,,,,,

Joseph, New Jersey U.S.A.

Message: I have been watching Rosemary Curran Scapicchio on TruTv and I think she is great! I love her style and passion. I hope they show more cases that she has defended.

Kimberley Payne

Message: Just wanted to say Kudo’s to you—you have a great style and presentation in court.

Juliet Samba, CT

Message: I just want to say congratulations to you and Mr. Fleury! You presented an OUTSTANDING case. Clearly, Mr. Fleury is innocent and the parent was responsible!!! It was a learning experience for me as a student in paralegal studies. BTW I am 60 years old!

Elliana Agnello, MD

To Rosemary,

What a brilliant attorney you are. I could only pray to be as quick thinking on my feet as you are. I am a law abiding citizen however, please represent me if I ever get in trouble. OMG Just Awesome. I hope your lawfirm knows how blessed they are to have you.

Donna Weikel, NC

Message: I just wanted to thank Ms. Scapicchio for her amazing service to our judicial system. I have been watching the broadcast of the trial involving the accidental death of Chrispher Bizilj. I cannot tell you how impressed I was with Ms. Scapicchio. As such a horrible accident this was, I was so relieved to know that this innocent man was being represented by such a confident and amazing counselor of the court. She has renewed my faith in the criminal justice system and its ability to provide justice. Thank you and I wish you the best.

Matt Nowak, IL


WOW! It is fair to say you are awesome!!! Watched your trial victory from start to finish and you made it look easy. I have been an expert witness in 61 cases, all wins, and have never seen a quality attorney such as you. Congratulations and can’t wait to call you when I am accused of something bad if I can afford you. Congratulations and hope to see you work again.


John Rousseau
Phoenix, Arizona

I just watched you in action on in session with the trial of the 8 year old boy that got killed on the firing range. what a performance by you and what lawyer skills you have. You are one of the best I have ever seen standing up for what’s right. You were absolutely terrific what a showman you are.
WOW very impressive!

Jack Declercq

Message: watched you on I love your work I just wanted to tell you great job for mr flurey, poor guy this was an accident and if the jury would have came back with a guilty verdict that would to me in my own opinion be just as bad as the casy anthoney verdict ..
god bless you.

Scott, GA

Message: I watched the entire trial of Mass vs Pelham Police Chief Edward B. Fleury and think you did an awesome job. I dont even know how this case made it to trial, but Fleury was lucky to have you and your staff representing him. I my heart goes out to the family that lost a young boy way to soon, but there is no reason to place blame on anyone. It was an accident. As a LEO, I usually dont like the way defense lawyers manipulate the system, but in this case I felt like you presented the facts and let the jury make their choice. Good Job!

G. Spangler, AZ

Message: I just watched Ms. Scapicchio defend the police chief on Court TV. WOW, she did an amazing job! I would love to base a movie script on her work!!

Nancy Bevins, CA

Dear Ms. Scapicchio:

I am sending this as a viewer of In Session and want to commend you on your verdict today!!! I am a current Criminal Justice student in Richmond, VA and will graduate in March of 2012. I must say you are excellent in what you do and I enjoyed watching you each day “attack” the witnesses. I must say this is the first case I have watched where the Defense attorney didn’t call a single witness and didn’t need to! I have mentioned to each student in my class as well as friends that if I ever need a criminal attorney, I would certainly want you in my corner. Unfortunately I am in Virginia.

Ms. Scapicchio thank you for who you are and what you stand for. We need more criminal defense lawyers that will stand up for their defendants and not just throw them to the wolves.

Cathy Harris, VA