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Being arrested on a firearms possession charge in Boston or elsewhere in Massachusetts in either State or Federal court can derail your life. Attorney Rosemary C. Scapicchio has been successful in challenging illegal search and seizures and challenging untruthful police officers on the witness stand.

Attorney Scapicchio will fight for your freedom. She has a winning track record in defending firearms charges in State and Federal Court. She advocates strongly for all of her clients and always fights to win.

If you have been charged with a firearms offense in State or Federal court, or if you are the subject of an investigation involving firearms, call the Law Offices of Rosemary C. Scapicchio to schedule a consultation.

Attorney Scapicchio secured a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict in a Suffolk Superior Court gun case, where the Commonwealth charged her client with assault to murder, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, firearm carry without a license, possession of ammunition without an FID card, and carrying a loaded firearm without a license. Attorney Scapicchio was successful at trial in securing not guilty on all counts.

In Commonwealth vs. Celestino Vincente, Attorney Scapicchio won a motion to suppress a warrantless seizure. Her client was charged with carrying a firearm without a license, possession of ammunition without an FID card, assault with a dangerous weapon, and two counts of assault and battery on a police officer. The motion to suppress was allowed and all charges against her client were dropped. Read the judge’s decision below: